Arcade Cosmic was a game released in 80s. Actually is discontinued.You can play and remember this epoch of old games called ARCADE.(Game Story)A spaceship travels through space and must fight off attacks and evade the death star.(A). To play press the button "Game A" or "Game B".(B).Instructions to play:HOW TO PLAY(Control)1. To move the spaceship, drag a finger across the touch screen.2. To shoot, go up and place your finger on the touch screen.*. “Game A” is for beginners and average players.*. “Game B” is for the pros. In “Game B”, it requires more coordination, technique and timing.(Points)1. When a shot lands on the enemy target, 10 points.(Miss)1. When an opponents spaceship reaches yours.(C). Press "Score" button to see the best score.(D).Press "About" button to know about this app and get the developers contact.